Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against St Helens Town

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawSt Helens Town winWarrington GoalsSt Helens Town Goals
At Warrington8512126
At St Helens Town144281826
Neutral venue100123
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
27/10/2009St Helens Town (A)LIV150  2-1aetGahgan (2 goals, 1 pen) Details
30/03/2004St Helens Town (H)NWC1150  3-0Heverin, Moores, Baker Details
06/12/2003St Helens Town (A)NWCCC88  3-4Webster, Heverin (2 goals) Details
18/11/2003St Helens Town (A)NWC1124  0-0 Details
22/04/2003St Helens Town (H)NWC195  0-1 Details
26/12/2002St Helens Town (A)NWC1103  1-3Tickle Details
05/02/2002St Helens Town (H)NWC1149  0-0 Details
08/01/2002St Helens Town (A)NWCCC125  0-3 Details
10/10/2001St Helens Town (A)NWC1148  1-3Morgan Details
13/04/1998St Helens Town (H)NWC1  0-1 Details
04/02/1998St Helens Town (A)LIV  1-3Thornley Details
11/10/1997St Helens Town (A)NWC1  2-3McDonald, Ellis Details
10/09/1994St Helens Town (A)FAC185  4-0Soley (3, 28), Lee (73), McDonald (76) Details
10/04/1990St Helens Town (H)NWC1  1-0McClatchey Details
21/10/1989St Helens Town (A)NWC1  1-0Whalley Details
20/04/1989St Helens Town (A)NWC1  1-2Hodge Details
08/10/1988St Helens Town (H)NWC1  2-1Hill, Hodge Details
19/03/1988St Helens Town (A)NWCCC  1-0Kinsey (42) Details
12/03/1988St Helens Town (H)NWCCC  3-1Barton, Hughes (2 goals) Details
05/03/1988St Helens Town (A)NWC1  0-0 Details
05/09/1987St Helens Town (H)NWC1  3-2Whittingham (2 goals), Roche Details
25/04/1987St Helens Town (N)FAV4254  2-3Reid, Cook Details
1986/1987St Helens Town (A)NWCCC  1-4Hughes Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 4-0 on 10 September 1994
Biggest Warrington defeat: 1-4 on 01 August 1986

Most appearances v St Helens Town
Lee Webster6
Andy Tague6
Steve Hughes5 (1)
Mike Heverin5
Terry O'Hanlon5
Dave Tickle5
Steve Latham4
Chris Moores4
Ian Reid3 (1)
Andy Moore4
Alan Thomson3
Lee Riley3
Lee Smith2 (1)
Karl Williams3
Ian Hodge3
Gavin McDonald3
Kevin Gratton3
Mark Ashton3
Neil Whalley3
Paul Hives3
Neil Morgan3
Neil McCormack2
Paul Anderton2
Ian Kinsey2
Tony Hill1 (1)
Chris Coulson2
Dave Pick2
Paul Davies2
Robbie Priedt2
Joe Barton2
Neil Boardman2
Chris McDonagh2
Terry Nestor2
Neil Cook2
Jamie Cavanagh2
Steve Cartledge2
Paul Manuel2
Dave Ingle2
Tommy Baker1 (1)
Derek McClatchey2
Phil Mitchell2
Paul Smith1
Ian Owen1
Danny Glass1
Ray Birch1
Jerry Coll1
James Ward1
Andy Swift1
Lee Holden1
Stuart Lee1
Kevin Tyrell1
Rob Hilton0 (1)
Ian Langton0 (1)
Dave Wilson1
Ian Callaghan1
Gordon Hunter1
John O'Brien1
Chris Lee1
Peter Copeland1
Derek Brownbill1
Steve Soley1
Jimmy Woodyer0 (1)
Damien Looker1
Rod Thornley1
Neil Smith1
Steve Whittingham1
Robbie Hope0 (1)
Paul Berry1
Lee Ellis0 (1)
Alan Glover1
John Roche1
Liam Sweeney1
Paul McGhee1
Cashman0 (1)
Neil Griffiths1
Stuart Harkness1
Gary Jones1
Mick Kilduff1
Glenn Walker1
Phil Higginson1
Martin Lake1
Darren Heyes1
Matty Farrell1
Carl Johnson1
Gareth Chadwick1
Aiden Warder1
Clive Locke1
Brendan Hennessey1
Chris Bermingham1
Kevin Dack1
Joe McLennan1
Richard Chetcuti1
Karl Connolly1
Chris Brown0 (1)
Ryan Dacey0 (1)
Gary Finley1
Neil Williams1
Colin Darcy1
Phil Hadland1
Chris Gahgan1
Michael Grogan1
Jimmy McCarthy1
Richard Harvey1
Darren Kinsey1
Tom Hardwick1
Connor Taylor1
Mike Tomlinson1
Simon Caley1
Most goals v St Helens Town
Steve Hughes3
Mike Heverin3
Steve Soley2
Chris Gahgan2
Gavin McDonald2
Ian Hodge2
Steve Whittingham2
Dave Tickle1
John Roche1
Neil Cook1
Tommy Baker1
Chris Lee1
Neil Whalley1
Lee Webster1
Joe Barton1
Tony Hill1
Rod Thornley1
Ian Kinsey1
Lee Ellis1
Neil Morgan1
Ian Reid1
Chris Moores1
Derek McClatchey1
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