Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Great Harwood

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawGreat Harwood winWarrington GoalsGreat Harwood Goals
At Warrington105501811
At Great Harwood116142415
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
12/01/2002Great Harwood (A)NWC192  1-2Moores Details
07/12/2001Great Harwood (H)NWC176  3-2Webster, Chadwick, Moores Details
17/01/2000Great Harwood (A)NWCFT118  1-2Bushell Details
08/04/1997Great Harwood (H)NPL D1120  1-1Thornley (10) Details
25/01/1997Great Harwood (A)NPL D1  0-6 Details
06/01/1996Great Harwood (H)NPL D1  1-1Murphy Details
18/09/1995Great Harwood (A)NPL D1106  5-0Lawrenson, Johnson, Heavey, O'Callaghan (2 goals) Details
17/04/1995Great Harwood (H)NPL D1138  1-0Soley Details
04/02/1995Great Harwood (A)NPL D1112  3-1Soley, Heavey, Warder Details
03/11/1993Great Harwood (A)NPL D1  0-0 Details
06/10/1993Great Harwood (H)NPL D1  2-2Finley (74), Knop (75) Details
16/01/1993Great Harwood (H)NPL D1275  1-0Watson Details
04/11/1992Great Harwood (A)NPL D1100  2-3McDonald, Cook Details
29/11/1986Great Harwood (H)NWC2  1-1Woodyer Details
09/08/1986Great Harwood (A)NWC2  2-1Hill (2 goals) Details
12/05/1986Great Harwood (A)NWC2  2-0Hughes (2 goals) Details
09/11/1985Great Harwood (H)NWC2  1-1Vernon Details
23/03/1985Great Harwood (A)NWC2  7-0Hunter, Hughes (2 goals), Stokes, Price (3 goals) Details
24/11/1984Great Harwood (H)NWC2  2-1Hunter, Hughes Details
24/03/1984Great Harwood (H)NWC2  5-2Hughes (2 goals), Daniels, Monteith, Clark Details
27/02/1984Great Harwood (A)NWC2  1-0Reid Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 7-0 on 23 March 1985
Biggest Warrington defeat: 0-6 on 25 January 1997

Most appearances v Great Harwood
Gavin McDonald4
Steve Hughes4
Don Nicely3
Neil Cook3
Steve Soley3
Robbie Priedt3
Dave Tickle2
Dave Ingle2
Lee Webster2
Joey Dunn2
Dave Pick2
Gareth Chadwick2
Carl Johnson2
Brendan Hennessey2
Mike Knop2
Steve Parsonage2
Gary Finley2
Gordon Hunter2
Mike Tandy2
Mark Ashton2
Chris Moores2
Clive Locke2
Chris Coulson2
Paul Heavey2
Ian Callaghan2
Ian Owen2
Gary Randles2
Steve Cartledge2
Elfyn Edwards2
Neil Boardman2
Jimmy Woodyer1
Karl Williams1
Tony Hill1
Gary Price1
Dave Stokes1
Ian Vernon1
Rod Thornley1
Graham Bennett1
Liam Watson1
Billy O'Callaghan1
Phil Lawrenson1
Aiden Warder1
Paul Loughlin1
Alan Monteith1
Neil McCormack1
Craig Murphy1
Andy Moore1
Mark Winstanley1
Neil Morgan1
Andy Tague1
Ged Bushell1
Neal Holden1
Andy Barr1
Lee Bedson1
Duncan Atkinson1
Ian Reid1
Matthew Helme1
Peter Daniels1
Paul Hives1
Russell Payne1
Ray Birch1
Simon Rudge1
Neil Weaver1
Alistair Clark1
Most goals v Great Harwood
Steve Hughes7
Gary Price3
Paul Heavey2
Billy O'Callaghan2
Gordon Hunter2
Steve Soley2
Tony Hill2
Chris Moores2
Gavin McDonald1
Ian Reid1
Rod Thornley1
Liam Watson1
Alistair Clark1
Lee Webster1
Neil Cook1
Ian Vernon1
Gary Finley1
Gareth Chadwick1
Phil Lawrenson1
Peter Daniels1
Craig Murphy1
Mike Knop1
Dave Stokes1
Aiden Warder1
Jimmy Woodyer1
Alan Monteith1
Ged Bushell1
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